Sunday Evening Schedule

Sunday Evenings

Objective: To offer a format for Sunday evening that will encourage, edify, and instruct as many of our family as possible

How: A blended schedule for Sunday evenings, meaning that it would be a mix of different types of services during the month

Result: This format will allow flexibility in scheduling different types of activities to maximize opportunity for member involvement and will be driven by the family's current needs.


Sunday Night Schedule


5th - Neighborhood Devotionals  

12th - Daniel Lookadoo

19th - Neighborhood Devotionals  

26th - Elders Q/A



2nd - Neighborhood Devotionals  

9th - Song Service

16th - Neighborhood Devotionals  

23rd - Daniel Lookadoo

30th - Neighborhood Devotionals  



7th -  JP Flores

14thNeighborhood Devotionals 

21st - Sermon (TBD)

28thNeighborhood Devotionals