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Turn Aside and Look
The tenor and rhythm of life are often determined by the perspective with which an individual sees himself, others, and the world round about. The directional force of one’s attention truly impacts on how one sees the proverbial glass of water: half full or half empty.
For instance, on the heels of Moses fleeing for his life from the threats of Pharoah, king of Egypt, he ended up settling among the Midianites. There, he made his living working as a shepherd. On a fateful day, while leading his sheep in the wilderness, he encountered…
“a blazing fire from the midst of a bush and he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So Moses said ‘I must turn aside now and see this marvellous sight […] When the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him…”
Exodus 3.2-4
I do not think it is presumptuous on my part to say that Moses’ life story would not have been as inspiring and consequential as we know it to be if he did not intentionally choose to turn towards the burning bush and see what this phenomenon was all about.
Often times people get stuck in the sinking sand of doubt, discouragement, and disillusionment simply because they are refusing to “turn aside and look” at all the promising possibilities before them. It’s amazing how a simple volitional turn can make all the difference between eternal life & eternal death.
I have to say, we have had powerful reminders over the last few months of the abundant blessings that come when people choose to seek God’s kingdom first and embrace the wonders of His glory!
Turn aside and look!